Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer Tips: Does Your A/C Hurt MPG?

Word is always spreading around that using your car’s air conditioner during the summer hurts your fuel economy. You may be asking, “well does it?” Continue reading to find out!
We have good news. According to Consumer Reports, using your a/c to keep cool and comfortable during the long, summer months only slightly decreases your fuel economy. The difference in MPG between using your a/c and rolling your windows down is so little that it is by far better to stay alert and comfortable by driving with your a/c on.

If you are having problems with your a/c, then head on down to your closest Utah Jiffy Lube. We offer a Jiffy Lube A/C Evacuation and Recharge Service that is sure get your a/c running efficiently and keep you sufficiently cool.

Photo Credit: "Doug Waldron"

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